Get paid FAST with Alkries LLC Online Payment Solutions

Get simplified online & mobile payment solutions in less than 7 days with less frustration. Make billing & collections easier for your whole team & customers too!

Online Payment Solutions

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Our software for managing payments can help you increase revenue online and in-person.

Our payment platform is tailored to meet the needs of service-based businesses and is incredibly user-friendly. We provide a diverse range of payment options, such as one-time payments, subscriptions, invoicing, recurring invoices, product creation, and more.

Get Paid Where You Customers Communicate

Efficiently handle payment transactions via text & email, the same mediums you utilize to interact with your patrons. By incorporating payment requests in the same conversation thread as other customer messages, payments can be executed swiftly, freeing up time for both you and your customers.

Secure & safe payments

Alkires Online Payment Solutions comes equipped with state-of-the-art fraud protection and automatic reconciliation features when integrated with Stripe. These ensure the security and accuracy of all transactions. Moreover, it offers easy ways to track sales, follow up with customers who are overdue, and review communications. This helps save precious time and resources for your back office team.

Gain higher quality customer service

Businesses can benefit from simple and easy payment methods as it helps them gather more reviews, generate higher quality leads, and centralize customer data. This, in turn, allows them to effectively market and communicate with their customers.

Online payment solutions for service businesses.

Text to pay

To expedite collections, you can send a payment request through text after determining the amount owed by the customer.

Tap to pay

Conveniently receive payments while on the go with just a tap on your mobile device.


Allow customers to make online payments at their convenience by providing an invoice link.

Store payments

You can safely save a customer's preferred payment method for future transactions.

Manual entry

During phone conversations with customers, you have the option to safely and securely accept payments for any remaining balances.

Google & Apple Pay

Make payments fast, secure, & safe with the mobile apps Google Pay & Apple Pay. Make payments simple & increase revenue!

Invoice on the go

Do you need to invoice that client for work you did but you aren't at a computer. No problem! Use the mobile app to create an invoice on the go!

Collect taxes & fees

Software that makes collecting payment processing fees & taxes easy for any business. Keep your return on investment high!

See what other customers have to say about our online payment solutions.

Service Business 10K Revenue Roadmap

The Service Business 10K Revenue Roadmap is a unique Coaching Program that helps service business owners, business consultants, and service freelancers add 10K in monthly revenue in 90 days without the need to become marketing experts.

Service Business 10K Revenue Roadmap